BEng (Mining) (Hons)
MEngSc (Mining Geomechanics)
Richard graduated from Camborne School of Mines in 1993 with an honour’s degree in Mining Engineering. Subsequently, he has undertaken a Master’s in Geomechanics at the Western Australian School of Mines in Kalgoorlie.
Richard has more than 30 years’ experience in mining in Zimbabwe and Australia in both underground hard rock mining and small to medium-sized open pits. Most of the work has been within Australia, particularly Western Australia, with international work including work in Finland and Argentina.
Underground mining methods that Richard has experience in are mainly sub level open stoping and steep narrow vein stoping with some experience in sub-level caving and airleg stoping. Richard’s main experience is in deep high stress complex seismically active mines, squeezing ground conditions and narrow vein mining.
Technical capabilities include:
- The design and maintenance of systems, interpretation and analysis for a deep high-stress operation with large damaging events. Investigation of large seismic events and rock falls with high injury potential. Software usage includes IMS packages and mXrap.
- Rock mass damage mapping and interpretation. Rock mass characterisation including data collection, core logging, line mapping and photogrammetry; data analysis -including Q system and RMR systems to in-house modified systems.
- Support design. Experience with several different design calculators, design of both static systems and dynamic systems. Involved with the development and implementation of the Garford Dynamic yielding bolt. Experience in the use of Geobrugg high-strength mesh.
- Stope design. Use of the Modified Mathews Graph for initial stope design to in-house methods that utilised actual data including back analysis mythologies. Stope design using reconciliation data and numerical modelling results.
- Stope reconciliation. Back analysis of stope stability using ELOS and stability graph.
- Rocscience packages include Dips, Unwedge RSData, and RS2, GEM4D, and Strata 5.
- Feasibility studies and projects. Experience with prefeasibility and feasibility studies for underground operations. Significant involvement with conducting and managing projects that include new technologies, efficiency improvement systems and ground support scheme design.
- Backfill design and management of rock fill systems, cemented rock fill, cemented hydraulic fill and paste fill methods.
- Pillar design, including crown pillar, sill pillar and in-stope pillar assessments.
- Raisebore analysis, using empirical and numerical modelling methods.
- Large excavations – crusher chambers, shafts.
- Portal design and ground support schemes.
- Writing of GCMP’s and preparations for regulatory audits.
- Other software experience with Deswik mine design package.
Richard has open pit experience in slope design and monitoring systems. He also has experience with prefeasibility and feasibility studies for open pits. His open pit software skills include the Rocscience suite and Surpac.
Experience has also been gained as a superintendent – geotechnical and backfill.