See more with LiDAR

MineLiDAR, our sister company’s LiDAR survey services, gives you the data you need to make informed decisions across your operation so that you can better understand your spatial environment, quantify hazards and increase efficiencies.

Emesent LiDAR Logo

We are the first service providers in Australia to use the world-renowned Emesent Hovermap platform, enabling LiDAR surveys in GPS denied environments.

MineLiDAR scanning data can be used to:

See how MineLiDAR can help with your project

Use our integrated LiDAR survey services to better understand your environment.

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Envirocapture | Lidar | Scanning | Logo

Capture your environment

We help you make sense of your environment with accurate data. With accurately captured, processed, and explained high-quality data, you can make informed decisions about your environment.

Get insightful data with our range of services and expertise,
which include:

Helping you to see your environment in a new light –
that’s our goal

To capture, process, and deliver high-quality LiDAR and remote sensing data safely and efficiently.

Explore now >